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Fenntastics and Chamber Choir Fall Concert

High school choir is like being part of a tight-knit family where harmony isn't just about singing notes but also about sharing laughter, support, and unforgettable moments. Picture this: voices blending in perfect sync, creating magic that resonates through the halls and touches hearts. From belting out show tunes to mastering intricate harmonies, every rehearsal is a journey of musical discovery and camaraderie. Whether you're a seasoned singer or just finding your voice, choir is a place where everyone's unique sound adds to the symphony of sound. It's not just about hitting the high notes; it's about the friendships forged, the memories made, and the joy of creating something beautiful together. In high school choir, you're not just part of a group; you're part of something truly special—a chorus of voices united in song and spirit.

The Fenntastics

The Fenntastics are a group of hard-working, talented students. They are a three-part, non-audition mix choir who strive to sing a varied repertoire of music from the styles of Irving Berlin to Mozart. They participate in music festivals such as the Michigan School Vocal Music Association District Large festival and have opportunities for solos and small ensembles. They perform yearly for the elementary students, sing a Fall concert, Winter Concert, Spring Concert and for MSVMA District Choral Festival. Fenntastics have traditionally been earning “Excellent” rating at District Choral Festival. They are very proud of their singing and sight-reading skills. Admission to their concerts are always free. 


The Chamber Choir

The Chamber Choir is an audition-only,  select choir, that sings four-part a cappella music. There are twenty members that are selected on vocal quality, sight reading, and stage presence. These members are required to learn their own SATB literature along with the SAB music of Fenntastics. Chamber Choir has traditionally auditioned for MSVMA Region B Honors Choir.  Languages they have sung in are:  English, Spanish, Latin, Germany, French, Italian and Swahili.

This smaller choir is also active in singing the Star-Spangled Banner at school events, special assemblies such as Veterans Day, Community Christmas Teas, Goose Festival and encourages participation in taking solos to festival in February. Chamber Choir also performs at these events as a small ensemble. Graduation and joining the larger choir for a spring concert and elementary performance rounds out the end of the school year.  Chamber Choir continues the strong tradition of receiving “Excellent” at District Choral Festival and performing at State Choral and receiving high ratings.  At State Solo and Ensemble they have received an “Excellent” for the past 8 years.

MSVMA, All-State Honor Choir

Donovan Saylor Tenor 2016
Gustavo Morales Tenor 2016
Garrett Dragan Bass 2017
Colton Maccune Bass 2019
Ryan Nolan Bass 2019
Colton Maccune Tenor 2020
Ryan Nolan Bass 2020
Isabelle Warnock Soprano 2020
Isabelle Warnock Soprano 2022
Izayah Strickfaden Tenor


Daniel Munoz Tenor 2022
Erick Morales Bass 2024


State qualifiers Honors Choir

MSVMA, State Honor Choir

Donovan Saylor SATB 2014, 2016
Donovan Saylor TTBB 2015
Angelo Patterson TTBB 2015
Gustavo Morales SATB 2015, 2016
Hailey Martin SSAA 2016
Garrett Dragan TTBB 2016
Roberto Gonzalez TTBB 2016
Garrett Dragan SATB 2017
Marissa Latchaw SSAA 2017
Andres Garcia TTBB 2017
Jaime Flores TTBB 2018
Selena Capman SSAA 2019, 2020
Isabelle Warnock SSAA 2019, 2020
Colton Maccune TTBB 2019, 2020
Ryan Nolan TTBB 2019, 2020
Ally Miscikoski SSAA 2020
Ramses Arispe TTBB 2020
Carter Mokma TTBB 2020, 2022
Elijah Sauceda TTBB 2020
Vivianna Espino SATB 2022
Isabelle Warnock SATB 2022
Alaina Smothers SATB 2022
Lizzet Munoz SATB 2022
Jeffrey J. VanderKuyl SATB 2022
Erick Morales SATB 2022
Izayah Strickfaden TTBB 2022
Daniel Munoz TTBB 2022
Jennifer Banda SSAA 2022
Haley Pena SSAA 2022
Kalee Kramer SSAA 2022
Ava Ellis SATB 2023
Kalee Kramer SATB 2023
Seth Ciokiewicz SATB 2023
Erick Morales TTBB 2023
Jason Nyboer TTBB 2023
Eileen Perez SSAA 2024
Jennifer Banda SATB 2024
Seth Ciokiewicz TTBB 2024
Ramon Herrera TTBB 2024
Jason Nyboer SATB 2024
Erick Morales SATB 2024


On Tuesday, September 24th, the men of Chamber Choir were able to attend an all-day workshop and evening concert featuring the professional men’s group, CANTUS.

Thank you to our district for supporting such a field trip, by allowing us to be a part of music magic!

Chamber Choirs Men