Home of the Blackhawks!
Our mission for Fennville Athletics is to provide a comprehensive athletic program that emphasizes a positive experience while developing our Athletes to succeed in school, sports, and future life endeavors.
Fennville Athletics believes individual students will benefit through competitive inter-school and recreational sports activities. Participation in sports has proven to build self-esteem, self-discipline, promote teamwork, develop the body as well as the mind, and is an integral part of the maturation process.
The purpose of athletics is both educational and recreational. The athletic program should encourage participation by as many boys and girls as possible and should be carried on with the best interest of the participants as the first consideration. While Fennville Athletics takes great pride in winning, it does not condone "winning at all cost." It discourages any and all pressures which might tend to neglect good sportsmanship and good mental health. At all times the athletic program must be conducted in such a way as to justify it as an educational activity.
It is recognized that a well-organized and well conducted athletic program is a valuable educational benefit and a potent factor in the morale of a school student body and an important phase of good community/school relations.